Loss of appetite can be short-term or lasts for much longer periods. It can occur during the early stages of pregnancy, because of gastrointestinal disease, after chemotherapy or simply due to aging.
People with a small appetite need to eat quality foods, those that are nutrient dense, with fewer calories, but loaded with essential vitamins and minerals.
Increasing nutrient-dense foods
- Contribute to good health
- Reduce risk of infection
- Build and maintain muscles
- Aid wound healing
- Provide energy
Tips for Stimulating the Appetite
- Aim for five – six small meals daily
- Frequent small meals can help improve appetite and prevent feeling overwhelmed at meal times
- Include three small meals and 3 high-calorie snacks.
- Make meals appetizing and include a variety of foods
- Keep foods moist
- Foods with a high water content like fruits or with softer textures such as mashed foods and soups can improve appetite.
- Meals served with adequate gravy can also add flavor and moisture
- Drink more of your calories
- Beverages may appeal to the palate more than foods
- These are easier to digest
- Make these high-calorie and nourishing
- Sour foods may stimulate the appetite
- This promotes saliva production, which moistens food and may enhance taste
- Try a few began cherries or other sour fruit before your meal
- Serve Attractive Meals
- Choose small cuts of meat that are minced or shredded
- Keep ground provisions and vegetables diced or thinly sliced
- Serve food and beverages the way you prefer (hot, cold, etc)
- When possible make meal time a social event
- Eat in a comfortable well-lit room with others
- Use the good China and flatware to enhance mood
- Be mindful of food preparation
- Avoid strong odors in food preparation
- Make the most of good days
- Indulge in your favourite food but with a healthy twist
Tips for Fortifying Your Food
As meals are small, add extra calories in the form of protein, fats and sugars
Adding Protein
- Aim to have a serving of protein with each meal and in at least one snack daily
- Add milk to porridges, creamed / pureed soups, creamed ground provision, shakes and sauces
- Bake vegetables in a cheese sauce
- Add grated cheese to creamed potato, pasta, bread, biscuits, fish, omelette, baked beans and sauces
- Snack on yogurt
- Add 2 tablespoons of peanut butter to shakes or eat with fruits (apples)
Adding Fat
- Add full fat milk to cereals, creamed potato and shakes
- Add 1 teaspoon of cream, or cream cheese or butter to bread, scones, soups, fish, meat, scrambled egg and vegetables
- Use a teaspoon of salad dressing or mayonnaise to salads, sandwiches or as a dip
- Liven up shakes with Nutella or spread on to bread or biscuits.
- Add ground linseed / flaxseed to shakes and cereal or used to thicken sauces and soups
Using extra Sugars
- Spread honey, jam or marmalade on to bread, biscuits, scones or pancakes
- Serve ice cream with cakes and puddings
- Nibble on chocolate and dried fruit for snacks